Me & my older bro love hip-hop from 90’s. We used to listen to it quite a lot growing up in Bahrain. From Fresh Prince & Jazzy Jeff, Skee-Lo, Lucas, Kriss Kross to Naughty by Nature, Tribe Called Quest, Das EFX, and early Tupac. Hip-hop wasn’t all about the pimp-life, b****es, ho’s, bling and the merchandising it is these days. And there was no auto-tune back then. Rap could have been happy, dark and sometimes even funny. Rap and hip-hop back in the 90’s was also commonly associated with dancing. From the ‘chicken dance‘ to just bobbing your head to the heavy beats.
Of course now, things are different. Which is why it was so refreshing to hear about B.o.B.
(Above: “Nothin’ on you”)’
Liking his new single too, featuring my favourite rock chick.
(“Airplanes” Feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore)

14/04/2010I grew up listening to Naughty by Nature…no scratch that.. WE grew up listening to NbN…man, they are still the gods of hip hop and rap…
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
April 14th, 2010 at 3:17 PM
@Gren: Amen. I still remember how crazy we were over hoods back in the 7th standard because of them… and East 17!
14/04/2010You said it! i also used to listen to a arrested development, they were awesome
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
April 14th, 2010 at 3:16 PM
I still love the scream at the beginning of ‘Mr. Wendel’.
20/04/2010East 17…oh yeah…white boys with the big caps!! Then it was Cypress Hill…then A Tribe Called Quest…and eventually, we made into the transition to Oasis!…I think PJ & Duncan was also thrown in there…man that was the longest 4 minutes of my life!