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Kabukicho neon lights bars Tokyo

Japan: Shopping in Shinjuku, and exploring Kabukicho

Date: 27th March 2015

After checking out the skyscrapers of Nishi-Shinjuku, I decided to walk around Shinjuku ward a bit more to see what else was in the area. It’s a major commercial area after all.

Shinjuku pedestrian foothpath road Tokyo
I was just walking along, not really knowing where I was going
Green peas pachinko arcade Shinjuku Tokyo
That’s a pachinko arcade building called Green Peas
Louis Vuitton Isetan Shinjuku Tokyo
I was at a street with many big stores all around, from high end Louis Vuitton to department stores like Isetan
BICQLO shop Shinjuku Tokyo
Oh my god… a combination store of Bic Camera and Uniqlo… called BICQLO

I had already spent the morning at a Bic Camera and shopped at a Uniqlo just outside the Nishi-Shinjuku store. I kept telling myself: “Don’t go in, don’t go in, don’t go…” Continue reading “Japan: Shopping in Shinjuku, and exploring Kabukicho” »

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