I interrupt regular programming to bring you a public service announcement. My custom t-shirts with a message are finally here!
Yes, a t-shirt that states ‘It’s Football, Not Soccer’.

Well, off late I’ve been quite annoyed by the ever-increasing usage of the word ‘soccer’ — especially by people who couldn’t give a shit about the sport (in India to be particular) had it not been for hype surrounding the World Cup. Some in the media think sucking up to the Americans is all of sudden ‘hip’ and go with the flow… you know with all the jobs being outsourced to India. (Disclaimer: I work for an American company, get the pop culture, the lingo, and consume a lot of American media… but some things will always remain the same to me.)
Why, here’s British comedian and actor John Cleese explaining it in typical eloquent fashion:
I’ve had the idea for this t-shirt for quite some time now. So last month, before the World Cup began, I started to find out how I could produce one and walk around town wearing it. I approached photo studios who do t-shirt prints and when I inquired about prices, it ranged from Rs. 250 to Rs. 500. But I decided not to opt for it because I wasn’t very happy with the quality of the print (apparently, the photo prints only last 15 washes).
So for contacts, I approached the folks in my company who work with various vendors for procuring t-shirts. I approached one, got ripped off, complained, got my money back but lost precious time. I scurried to find another and found Myntra.
Initially I just wanted to do one, exclusively for me. But when I shared the design on Facebook, I got requests from friends and family asking one for them as well. After placing an order for an initial 10 (it would have cost me nearly Rs. 1000 to print just one so I had to order more), got my t-shirts, and was quite happy with the quality.

I got them printed in white, black and navy blue. White is what I wanted and what I think looks best with the print quality. My friends wanted darker colours and so I made a few for them.

If you want to know the dimensions for each Myntra t-shirt, refer to this chart:

Tolerance – say the actual length of Small size, is 25 inches, Myntra will pass the garment if the length is found to be 24 .5″ or 25.5″ i.e. +/- half inch tolerance.
Myntra also offered a choice of Reebok and Lee t-shirts to be printed on. They cost more but a navy blue option was only available with the Reeboks. So I took a few of those.

I found it a little weird that Reebok and Lee were supplying plain coloured t-shirts for others to print whatever corporate/custom design they wanted. (I kept picturing a toothpaste brand on a t-shirt beside the Reebok logo)
If you guys want to place an order for one (or more), do so by leaving me a comment below – or – email me at darkchild82@gmail.com. I’m nearly out of the 10 I initially ordered so I need to place an order for more based on requests from you lot. I’ll update this post on Tuesday with sizes available and a price because Myntra told me that for my next order, the price per t-shirt would vary. It shouldn’t cross Rs. 400 ($9/€7) a piece.
Edit (July 8, 2010): The regular Myntra t-shirts (white or black modeled above) costs Rs. 300/US$6.50/€5 (available in sizes S, M, L & XL)
The Reebok & Lee t-shirts (slightly better quality according to my buyers) costs Rs. 400. Let me know what size & colour you want and I’ll check with Myntra about availability from either brand.
(Shipping costs will vary with destination and I shall individually inform each buyer with that information).
If you are within India, you can pay me via bank transfer. If you are outside of India, you can pay me via PayPal or Western Union (if it’s feasible). My Middle East buddies can send me the money via UAE Exchange.
I will do my best to deliver via courier as quickly as possible.
P.S: I don’t want phonies or posers wearing this t-shirt. If you genuinely love football, you may order.

Paul Baines
07/07/2010Cool Idea. I had the same one some years back now but I took it from the opposite angle
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
July 7th, 2010 at 7:46 PM
Just saw it now, pretty cool 8-bit
22/07/2010Cool, I have also bought many custom tshirts with my idea printed on it, but I bought it from http://www.pringoo.com
Ben Gibbes
14/08/2010Are you still selling these? I’d like two. I can pay by paypal. Thanks.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
August 14th, 2010 at 9:09 PM
Hey Ben, yes they’re available
Just let me know what size and colour you want. Also, if you could mail me your complete shipping address, I can find out how much it would cost to ship to your destination via services such as Fedex, TNT, DHL or India Post. You needn’t provide me these details here in the comments, just reply to the e-mail I sent you from the e-mail address: darkchild82@gmail.com
liza lemon
10/05/2011That is so awesome, I usually get my custom t-shirts, and they last for a while. You should check out bendershirts.com if your looking to order in bulk.
03/06/2011Is it still possible to buy such a t-shirt? I am currently living in a dormitory with some students from the USA who claim that baseball is better than…soccer so I would like to show them what the most important thing in life is which is- FOOTBALL.
Greeting from a football fan from Poland!
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
June 3rd, 2011 at 6:50 PM
He he, love hearing such stories from my buyers!
Yes, it is possible to buy these t-shirts!
Just e-mail me your preferred sizes, and colour and I’ll check if I have stock of them. Also in your e-mail, just give me your shipping address and I shall find out how much it costs via Fedex, DHL, TNT or India Post.
Gabriel Allen
06/07/2011Haha, this shirt is great. I am from the States, but lived with British kids for several years and then lived in Spain for a year. I just returned and I kept saying football and people would be totally confused. How many of these have you printed? I have a buddy who has a company called Bender Shirts. If you’re ever going to print more custom t-shirts, you should check them out. Their screenprints are high quality and will last longer than the few wash cycles that you mentioned with the image transfers.
Gabriel Allen Reply:
July 9th, 2011 at 12:05 AM
I forgot to post the link to their site for custom t-shirts
29/01/2012Are you still selling this shirt? Oh, I love football and I want this shirt. Please let me know. Thank you.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
January 29th, 2012 at 1:45 AM
Yes, I shipped two t-shirts to Australia just last week! The day I run out of t-shirts, I’ll update this post
Send me an e-mail if you want one.
Jim Norrie
23/02/2012I too would love one of these T-Shirt Can you please let me know how I go about getting one ?
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
February 23rd, 2012 at 4:30 PM
Sent you an e-mail!
27/07/2012Great post ! thanks