I interrupt my current Singapore series to bring attention to a place I never knew even existed in India!
Me and my friends haven’t gone on a road trip in quite some time. So when we spoke about driving somewhere we all had never gone before, it was hard. We were sick of Mysore Road and have seen pretty much every attraction that stretch of Karnataka has to offer. This was going to be a proper weekend drive – leave early Saturday morning and be back by Sunday night, so given the time frame, the choice of destinations were quite limited to begin with.
As luck would have it, a friend of mine uploaded a few photos he had taken from his visit to a place called Gandikota in Andhra Pradesh. I had never heard of the place before but when I saw his photos, I just couldn’t believe I had never even known about its existence! Upon asking him for more information about Gandikota and doing some research on my own, I suggested a drive to Gandikota to my friends.
Some of them were apprehensive, saying it looked like “just a canal,” some couldn’t make it, but I was still hell-bent on going there. Charting a route map using Google Maps, the drive from Devanahalli to Gandikota was going to take approximately 5 hours (250kms). I also found that we can drive to another attraction, Belum Caves, from Gandikota itself and that would take over an hour to cover the 60km distance. From Belum Caves, we could then drive to the town of Anantapur and connect back to NH7 to drive back all the way to Bangalore city (280 kms).
After much convincing and last minute tussles, we (myself and friends Anand and Ramesh) were ready to venture into a territory hardly many from Bangalore have gone before.
Date: December 17th, 2011
The plan was for Anand to first pick me up and then Ramesh by 6am, but as is usually the case on our drives, we were slightly delayed and only picked up Ramesh as it neared 7am.

We stopped at a Kamat restaurant adjoining a Bharat Petroleum bunk to our left for breakfast. After puris and tea, we set off again towards Chikballapur.

We eventually reached a small village where we had to stop at a railway crossing. Something that took an ungodly long time!

Nearly half-an-hour later, the train finally shows up — and how…
We had lost quite a bit of time and it was already lunch time. Fortunately as we arrived in the town of Jammalamadugu (yeah, try saying that fast) we saw a sign of hope.

When we called up this hotel (Ph: (0)90105 54899) to book a room, the guy who answered simply told Ramesh “just come”. Now we know why. There were hardly any other guests besides us!
The waiter/receptionist/attendant showed us the cottages, we didn’t want an A/C room, so we just took a fan room that had a large bed which could easily accommodate the three of us. The room cost Rs. 630 ($11/€9), and we didn’t have to pay anything extra for the third person. Unfortunately, the water heaters weren’t working. (Why is it just about every hotel in India that costs about the same has such a problem with providing hot water?!)

There wasn’t a menu, so we just asked what was available for lunch. The receptionist/attendant/waiter told us: “chapathi, phulkas, dal curry“. That’s it. We didn’t have any choice but to order all three.
Since they hardly see any guests, they don’t stock any meat either. But receptionist/attendant/waiter assured us we would have more options available for dinner, like egg. Sigh…
When our food came, the chapathis and phulkas were essentially the same – both were made using maida, the phulkas only being a little smaller. And I doubt the phulkas were made the way they are traditionally done so. They cost the same too, Rs. 24 per plate (a plate has two), so you might as well just order chapathis. The dal (Rs. 40) was passable. We were hungry, so had to eat what was given.
By the way, they have the full stable of Coca Cola’s offerings like Kinley water and soda, besides the other carbonated drinks like Sprite, so you really don’t need to carry the same when coming here. Unless you’re a Pepsi fan.

We decided not to leave our bags in our room just yet. Instead, we wasted no time in heading straight to the fort.
Once you reach the fort walls, you can take your vehicle inside and down a narrow ‘S’ path, through a small village to park right near Gandikota masjid (mosque).

Oh, if you thought the above photo would make for an awesome wallpaper, here’s a 1920×1200 version!

We looked for other ways to reach centre of the hills, from where I hoped to take panorama of the entire plateau in front of us.

We still had one more temple to see inside the fort, but we just couldn’t figure out the way to get to it. So we drove out of the fort and wondered if there was another way.
Once out, the guides told us the way to Madhavaraya temple was from inside the fort itself, but they suggested we go tomorrow morning as the fort was going to be closed (more like, the guides were done for the day).

We decided to head back to the hotel. We were all pretty tired and we just wanted to rest.

Standing on the roof I thought of how I could have brought my grill and some marinated meat in the cooler. I’m sure the staff wouldn’t have minded. It’s a perfect setting for a barbecue.
Mind you, Gandikota isn’t for everyone. It’s not what I’d call a ‘family destination,’ unless your family is the adventurous kind. The rocks you will have to walk over just to take the kind of photos of the gorge you see above aren’t easy for everyone to do. Also, there is hardly anything around for fun or excitement. Not even a hospital in case of emergencies.
If you want a weekend of peace and quiet, some privacy or even a new spot to usher in the New Year with close friends, then consider Gandikota as a perfect Bangalore getaway.

I took bath without hot water because I desperately felt the need to be clean after walking amid goat droppings and all the climbing. Fortunately, it wasn’t too cold outside.
The same receptionist/attendant/waiter came to our room to ask us what we wanted for dinner. It would help the kitchen if we ordered in advance. The options weren’t many, but we asked for some rice, chapathis, dal, tomato curry, egg masala and egg burji. Everything cost Rs. 40-Rs. 45, so our expectations weren’t very high.
There is the option to have cable (Dish TV) in our room but we told the guy we definitely weren’t going to be watching television. We had ‘Mr. Jack‘ for company and the three of us spent the night reviewing our photos and chatting away.
Tomorrow morning, we had to go to the temple, drive 60kms to Belur caves and then drive back to Bangalore before nightfall. Day 1 was fantastic, we couldn’t wait to see what day 2 had in store for us!
Bonus: Here’s video of the Gandikota gorge I put together using clips from Ramesh’s and Anand’s camera
Next post in the series:
Bangalore weekend drive: Gandikota and Belum Caves, Andhra Pradesh – Part 2

25/12/2011Very good collection of pictures. Good know about this place. Thanks for sharing!
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
December 25th, 2011 at 5:49 PM
You are welcome!
25/12/2011good work, mithun. eagerly waiting to see the next
27/12/2011Cool One waiting for Part – II….
02/01/2012Hey Nice pics..which camera you used for the photos..
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
January 2nd, 2012 at 8:44 PM
Thanks Saurav, my main camera is the Canon 7D and my primary lens is the Canon 10-22mm wide angle lens. I carry two other lenses too.
06/01/2012Nice work guys..we are planning a trip from Blore just because of your pics and details. Thx
imran khan
25/05/2012iam very surprize very happy to see this pics
14/12/2012These are beautiful pictures and the video is great!!! You guys really took ‘some’ risk in getting everyone to get to see the natural beauty of India!! Admire your passion!!!
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
December 14th, 2012 at 7:38 PM
Thank you Rohit!
Came across this blog while searching for Belum caves. Very nice and beautiful photos. Thanks to you guys for taking all the pains and showing us all this beautiful place through wonderful pictures. Also, the description is very interesting with small details, sure to help folks planning to visit this less know marvel.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
December 24th, 2012 at 4:37 PM
Thank you for your kind words Sonal
10/01/2013infact i heard about Gandikota…but did’nt knew whats there ! i am going to yaganti+Belum on 12th Jan. ur blog helped me to add one more place to my tour…thanks a lot for ur beautiful pictures !!
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
January 10th, 2013 at 5:01 PM
Thanks Vinayak, have fun!
27/03/2014Hey Mithun,
Thanks so much for the lovely pics and details about the place….it answered all my ??…. before traveling to the place…
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
March 28th, 2014 at 8:19 PM
Have fun and keep the place clean!
05/04/2014You missed Madhavaraya temple… biggest temple at fort
20/08/2014Hi Mithun,
Good blog. May I know which is the hotel in your pictures? May I know the link or how you guys booked it?
24/12/2014Hi Mithun,
Can u please let us know which hotel is it and contact Number.shortly we are visiting Gandikota
A S Krishna Prasad
15/02/2015Excellent Blog. thanks for sharing.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
February 15th, 2015 at 12:16 PM
Thanks for reading!
harish shenoy
05/08/2015Great pictures. The blog was very informative. looking forward for a trip to Gandikota & Belum caves during october midterm holidays. But hardly anyone know about this place. None of my friends mentioned about this place. Recently I saw about the Belum caves in my friends facebook page.
Bharat Ram
16/08/2015Very comprehensively covered. Thank you.
23/08/2015Hi, Thanks for this writeup! Informative as well as useful apart from the fact that there are such beautiful snaps!
Planning a drive from Bangalore in the first week of Sept, 2015. The accommodation you were in is of the AP tourism?
I am also looking at covering any other interesting nearby place during this drive. We could easily spare 2/3 nights for the drive.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
August 29th, 2015 at 11:22 PM
Yes, the hotel we stayed at in Gandikota is run by APTDC. I’m not aware of any other interesting nearby places. It’s quite remote and barren.
29/12/2015Hello Brothers..
The description is very interesting with small details, sure to help folks planning to visit this less know marvel.
Thank you
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
December 30th, 2015 at 2:09 AM
You’re welcome!
sheik bhasha
15/04/2016thanks for sharing and i had a visit in 1995, when i was in cuddapah, as student.
Great pics, now planning to visit with family to show the place, where i studied….
23/06/2016Fantastic. Thank you for such a detailed description. Your work is highly appreciated.
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
June 23rd, 2016 at 12:27 PM
Thanks Dipanjan!
03/11/2016Fantastic Description!! Place looks awesome..
Just a question, Is it safe to travel with a 4 year old kid to this place?
Mithun Divakaran Reply:
November 3rd, 2016 at 12:54 PM
Yes, that should be fine.