Date: 8 June 2021
After trying for over month to get a vaccination slot under the 18-44 age group, I finally managed to get a slot for a paid vaccination at Aster MIMS hospital (I got Covishield which is the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine). The previous day, I kept checking on the CoWIN website at various intervals throughout the day but found checking post-9pm to work best for Aster MIMS’ slot update.
I didn’t really want to pay Rs. 950 for vaccination nor drive all the way to Chala where the hospital was located but the only other options available for 18 and older in Kannur city were at a few government hospitals, and they wouldn’t display availability everyday. Even if they did, the slots would get filled in seconds — making it very difficult to book anything. My cousin who did manage to get a free jab at one such government hospital said checking CoWIN around 3pm-ish worked for him for government hospitals.
None the less, upon successfully getting myself a slot for 3pm to 4pm at Aster MIMS, I got my appointment slip in PDF format. I saved it to my phone as you need to show the four digit ‘secret code’ in the slip at the vaccination center.

I entered the hospital via the main entrance where the security guards were and they told me parking spaces in front of the hospital was full and that I would have to park all the way in the back. But I saw the security staff handing out numbered tokens. So I got the token first before going to find a parking spot.
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