As I write this past Christmas day in what was otherwise a terrible year, the king of digital currencies — Bitcoin (BTC) — is past the US $25,000 mark. On many Indian cryptocurrency exchanges, one Bitcoin by the end of 2020 is now worth well over Rs. 20,00,000!

I’ve been tracking cryptocurrency markets since late 2017. That was when Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies gained mainstream attention globally. Even in India, mainstream news media outlets were covering Bitcoin price rises and in December 2017, saw a deluge of retail buyers (regular folks like you and me) rushing to sign up on Indian cryptocurrency exchanges to try and get a piece of the action.
Well, three years later, the cryptocurrency markets are hot again and once again led by Bitcoin. Back in 2017 and early 2018, people would message me and ask me where to buy, what to buy, at what prices to buy, etc. Well, I am not going to tell you what to buy nor make price predictions because from experience I can tell you — NOBODY can predict cryptocurrency markets. I’ll explain this in more detail later below.
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