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Led Zepplica concert, Live in Bangalore (UB City)

Date: 23/01/2011

Organized by Gigbox, a relatively new player in the concert scene, the Led Zepplica concert was held at the UB City amphitheatre last month. I figured I’ll never see Led Zeppelin live in concert so what the heck, might as well see a tribute band. Got to love the name: Led Zeppelin + replica = Led Zepplica!

Clever 🙂

There were two opening acts before Led Zepplica hit the stage. First up, a young Bangalore-based band called Fahrenheit.

Fahrenheit opening act Led Zepplica UB city Bangalore
Fahrenheit take the stage
Fahrenheit Bangalore band Led Zepplica UB city
They mostly played their own original compositions...
Fahrenheit band Led Zepplica UB city Bangalore concert
... & they were quite good
Rajeev Wolfpack vocalist Led Zepplica Bangalore concert
Next up was this frustrated dude and his band
Rajeev Wolfpack Led Zepplica Bangalore concert
The band was called rajeev's Wolfpack -- and they mostly played U2 covers

Rajeev Wolfpack group Led Zepplica Bangalore concert

The lead vocalist did forget some of the words, but they get props from me for playing U2’s older hits such as “I Will Follow” & “‘Bullet the Blue Sky” before moving to more recent fare like “Vertigo“. I was happy to hear those songs but to keep the masses awake, they had to play the pub-staple “With or Without You“.

As it neared 8:30pm, Led Zepplica took to the stage.

Led Zepplica live in Bangalore concert UB city
They kicked things off with "Rock 'n' Roll"

Here’s a video of some of the first few songs Led Zepplica performed:

“Rock ‘n’ Roll,” “Immigrant Song,” “Black Dog” & “Going to California”

Led Zepplica Joe Retta live Bangalore concert
Lead vocalist Joe Retta playing Robert Plant
Led Zepplica guitarist Lenny Mann Bangalore concert
On lead guitars, Lenny Mann, playing the role of legendary Jimmy Page
Led Zepplica bassist Johnny Bruhns Bangalore concert
Bassist Johnny Bruhns, playing Led Zeppelin's John Paul Jones
Led Zepplica drummer Daryl Johnson Bangalore concert
And finally, playing the role of the late great John Bonham, Daryl Johnson on drums

Led Zepplica group Bangalore concertHere are some more videos:

“Dazed & Confused”

John Bonham’s greatest moment — “Moby Dick”

“Stairway to Heaven”

Their encore performance included:


“Whole Lotta Love”

Led Zepplica band members Bangalore concert
... and with that, the show came to an end

Though the gig was 2 hours long, Led Zepplica still didn’t play classics like “Since I’ve Been Loving You” or my favourite, “Trampled Under Foot”. But I figured it’s not possible to cram every Led Zep classic in a standard 2 hour show. Their catalogue of great rock requires at least half a day!

Led Zeppelin are the greatest hard rock band of all time. A band who were way ahead of their time — and legends in the world of rock. They broke up soon after John Bonham died and though Robert Plant & Jimmy Page did make music as a duo and even released an Unplugged album, the band never toured as Led Zeppelin for 19 years until 2007. That year, all three living members, along with John Bonham’s son Jason Bonham, got together for their reunion gig at London’s O2 Arena to pay tribute to Atlantic Records’ founder Ahmet Ertegun.

Since that show, there were persistent rumours of Led Zeppelin doing a world tour but rumours about Robert Plant’s unwillingness to do so, shot down the chances of that happening. So for me, seeing a decent tribute band was the next best thing.

The tickets were Rs. 500 for the ‘General’ seating but we got them for Rs. 300 via Come Feb 26th, Gigbox is holding another tribute concert. This time for another legendary British rock band:  Breathe – the Floyd Sound.

And I’m going for that too! 🙂

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